Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Little Chef

This evening Peyton surprised me by making dinner. 
She set the table complete with a lavender and potato vine flower center piece, 
tropical place mats (scrap-booking paper), a freshly picked rose at each seat, 
and served this delicious, home grown, hand made- completely by her - gourmet salad. 

Before we began to eat she explained how she picked the lettuce, purple podded pole beans, peas, 
Lemon Cucumber and Violet Jasper tomatoes from our  garden. 
She peeled and slice the tomato and cucumber and shelled the peas all by her self. 
She added some store bought artichoke hearts, carrots and dressing. 
The final touch was the poppy seeds (little black specks not to be mistaken for pepper), 
which she got from the Pepper Box poppy seed pods also growing in our back yard. 
I had to sneak away quickly and google to make sure Pepper Box poppy seeds were edible. 
Good news is, they are. :-)
What a lovely and delicious surprise.